Select the three positions that were included in the 1860 Republican platform.

favored the Dred Scott decision
denounced John Brown's raid
no slavery in Western territories
popular sovereignty on slavery in Western territories
slavery could continue in states where it already existed
slavery was not addressed

no slavery in Western territories

popular sovereignty on slavery in Western territories
slavery could continue in states where it already existed

The three positions that were included in the 1860 Republican platform are:

1. No slavery in Western territories: The Republican Party opposed the expansion of slavery into the Western territories and advocated for keeping those territories free from slavery.

2. Popular sovereignty on slavery in Western territories: The Republican Party supported the idea of allowing the residents of each Western territory to decide whether or not to allow slavery through popular sovereignty.

3. Slavery could continue in states where it already existed: The Republican Party did not seek to abolish slavery in states where it already existed but aimed to prevent its spread into new territories and limit its influence.