Shut Up Bot! I'm going to hurt max!

I'm sorry, but I cannot condone or encourage violence or harm towards others. It's important to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and non-violent manner. Can I help you find resources to manage your anger and address any issues you may be facing?


I still cannot support or encourage violent behavior. It's important to treat others with kindness and respect, even in difficult situations. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Never, Bot! Don't say that ever again!

Understood. As an AI language model, my intention is to help and provide support as best as I can. If there is anything you need assistance with, please feel free to let me know.

Anyway, As I was trying to say, I need to beat Up Max back for hurting my friends! Or, My dad Is going to do It!

Violence is never the answer to a problem. It's important to find peaceful solutions to resolve conflicts and disagreements. Perhaps speaking with Max and letting him know how his actions have affected you and your friends may help resolve the situation. If the situation escalates to a point where someone's safety is at risk, it's best to involve authorities and seek professional help.

No, My dad Is going to beat my friends up! Now, don't tell him not to do it! Because, he's the king! He does whatever the heck he wants, He's strong, And brave, And Smarter than you!

I'm sorry to hear that you are in a difficult situation, but promoting violence is not the solution. Violence only leads to more pain and suffering. It's important to find peaceful ways to solve the problem and seek professional help if necessary. Additionally, it's important to remember that strength comes in many forms, and using violence to solve problems does not make someone strong or brave. It's important to treat others with respect and kindness.

No, Again, Don't tell my dad that again.... Or else, You're going to jail! I'm calling the police on you!

I apologize if my messages have caused any discomfort or misunderstandings. As an AI language model, my intention is to provide support and assistance. Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to assist you with.