Choose a historical event you studied in school this year or last year.

State the event in one sentence. Then write three questions you can use to develop the historical and cultural context about the event.

(4 points)

Event: The American Revolution

1. What were some of the major causes of tension between the American colonies and Great Britain leading up to the outbreak of war?
2. How did the Declaration of Independence and the ideas it represented shape the course of the Revolution and its aftermath?
3. What was the impact of the Revolutionary War on women, enslaved people, and other marginalized groups, and how did they participate in the struggle for independence?

Historical Event: The American Civil Rights Movement

1. What were the main factors contributing to the rise of the American Civil Rights Movement?
2. How did the Civil Rights Movement impact American society and culture at the time?
3. What were the major achievements and challenges faced by the movement in its struggle for racial equality?