Answer the following questions using your own words and ideas. Read each question carefully, and respond with an organized, complete paragraph. Ensure that you have a clear thesis and at least two supporting pieces of evidence from the text. Edit for clarity and conventions (spelling, punctuation etc).

/3 - Thesis
/3 - Textual Evidence
/1 – Conventions
Consider the short story "Cranes" by Hwang Sun-won.
Identify and briefly describe one of the flashback scenes.
Explain how it contributes to the overall effect of the story.

In Hwang Sun-won's "Cranes," one of the flashback scenes depicts the childhood friendship between two men, Songsam and Tokchae, who have now found themselves on opposing sides of the Korean War. The flashback scene takes us back to the memory of when Songsam and Tokchae played together, flying paper cranes and enjoying each other's company. This scene emphasizes the innocence and purity of their childhood friendship, which is now tarnished due to the political differences that have arisen between them. By showcasing their friendship in this way, the author highlights the tragedy of war, which forces individuals to fight against those they once cared for. The contrast between the peacefulness of their past and the violence of their present is striking and effectively underscores the senselessness of the conflict. Furthermore, the flashback scene adds depth to the characters of Songsam and Tokchae, making them more relatable and sympathetic to the reader. It allows the reader to better understand the motivations behind their actions and the emotional turmoil they are experiencing. Overall, the flashback scene contributes to the powerful message of the story, highlighting the devastating effects of war on individuals and personal connections.

In the short story "Cranes" by Hwang Sun-won, one of the flashback scenes that stands out is when the two childhood friends, Tok-chae and Song-sam, reminisce about their past adventures while sitting under a willow tree. In this scene, the author describes how Tok-chae and Song-sam used to steal the wooden sandals of a local bully, who would then chase them all around the village. This flashback scene contributes to the overall effect of the story by highlighting the innocence and joy of their childhood friendship. It serves as a contrast to the present situation where they find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict. Through this flashback, the author emphasizes the loss of innocence and the tragic consequences of war. It also adds depth to their friendship, making the readers sympathize with their conflicting loyalties and the difficult choices they face. The flashback scene offers insight into the characters' shared history and the bonds formed in their younger days, which ultimately adds to the emotional impact of the story.