Sama needs to write a paper covering the same topic this essay covers. She finds this essay helpful for ideas but inappropriate for her research. Which keywords would help her find the most information for her paper on the internet?


A. Pythagorean theorem

B. Standardized tests

C. Practical education

D. Teenager surprises

A. Pythagorean theorem

The most appropriate keywords to help Sama find information for her paper on the internet would be:

A. Pythagorean theorem - This could be useful if Sama is discussing the mathematical applications of the theorem or wants to explore its historical development.
B. Standardized tests - This keyword would be relevant if Sama is focusing on the impact, benefits, drawbacks, or alternatives to standardized testing in education.
C. Practical education - This keyword would be helpful if Sama wants to explore the concept of practical learning or discuss how educational institutions can incorporate real-world skills and knowledge into their curriculum.
D. Teenager surprises - This keyword seems unrelated to the topic and is unlikely to yield pertinent information for Sama's paper.