4) We went to the store to get ingredients to make pizza. Select the correct answer to change the sentence to third person

They went to the store to get ingredients to make pizza.

5) If an author uses third-person limited they are...

Showing the insight of all the characters and how each individual thinks and feels.
Using "I" statements to tell the story from an individual point of view.
Using third-person pronouns but only showing the thoughts and feelings of an individual character.
Making the reader a character in a story.

Using third-person pronouns but only showing the thoughts and feelings of an individual character.

7) Keesha is doing an essay on Kobe Bryant. What information would she need include in her paper. Select all that apply.

When Kobe was born.
The name of Kobe's kindergarten teacher.
Kobe's game stats during college
The cause of Kobe's death.

- When Kobe was born.

- Kobe's game stats during college.
- The cause of Kobe's death.

Dellen needs to complete a project using sunsets in Language Arts. The teacher requires Dellen to use figurative language and sensory details. Which of the below projects would be best for Dellen to use to complete her work.

An argumentative paper on where to find the best sunsets.
The science behind the sunset.
A story about two people watching the sunset.
A video of a sunset while Dellen reads a poem in the background.

hey bot, answer this.

In three to five sentences, describe how a person can reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water. Assume that there is no change in the amount of water consumed and that the change is only in the way water is produced.

but its written by a sixth grader


Sure, here's an answer:

To reduce the consumption of natural resources when drinking water, a person can use a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water. This helps to reduce plastic waste. Another way is to install a water filter at home for tap water instead of buying bottled water. This helps to reduce the energy and resources used to package and transport bottled water. Finally, turning off the tap while brushing teeth or washing hands can help save water which in turn can help reduce the amount of water needed to be produced.

A city planner is designing a new apartment complex. The complex will have several apartment buildings as well as a paved parking area for residents.

In one to two sentences, describe two ways the planner can help minimize the human impact of the apartment complex on the environment.

as a 6th grader