Suppose that people in your community voted to eliminate local taxes. Which of these are goods and services would most likely disappear?

If local taxes were eliminated, it is likely that some goods and services provided by the local government would disappear. These could include:

1. Public transportation: Without funding from local taxes, it may become difficult for the city or town to maintain public transportation systems like buses or trains.

2. Parks and recreation facilities: Parks, community centers, and sports fields may become less well-maintained or even close down without the funds provided by local taxes.

3. Street cleaning and maintenance: The city or town may not be able to afford regular street cleaning, pothole repair, and other maintenance tasks without the funding that local taxes provide.

4. Police and emergency services: Funding from local taxes helps pay for police officers, firefighters, and other emergency services. Without this funding, these services may be scaled back, leading to longer response times and reduced safety.

5. Libraries and educational programs: Local taxes often help fund public libraries and educational programs for children and adults. Without this funding, these resources may be more difficult to access or disappear completely.

If local taxes were eliminated in your community, it would have an impact on the availability of certain goods and services. Here are some examples of goods and services that might be affected:

1. Public Education: Local taxes often fund public schools, so the elimination of local taxes could significantly impact the funding available for education. This could lead to a reduction in the quality and accessibility of education in your community.

2. Public Transportation: Local taxes can also contribute to funding public transportation systems, such as buses or trains. Without these funds, public transportation services may be reduced or even discontinued, affecting those who rely on them for daily commuting or mobility.

3. Infrastructure Maintenance: Local taxes are often used for maintaining and improving infrastructure like roads, bridges, and public parks. The elimination of local taxes could result in a lack of funding for infrastructure repairs, causing deterioration and reduced quality of essential public assets.

4. Emergency Services: Local taxes typically support emergency services like police and fire departments. Without adequate funding, these services may face budget cuts, impacting response times and overall public safety.

5. Health and Social Programs: Local taxes can contribute to funding various health and social programs, such as clinics, libraries, recreational facilities, and social welfare programs. The elimination of local taxes could lead to a reduction in the availability and quality of these essential services.

It's important to note that the specific impact would depend on various factors, including the alternative sources of funding that could be implemented and the priorities set by the community.