lol, i also have these

Factor the polynomial x2 + 3x – 18. Which one of the following is a factor?

Factor the polynomial 12x2 + 11x – 5 completely.

Factor the polynomial 18a2b – 4ab + 10a completely

Factor the polynomial 2x2 – 50 completely.

Here's a couple sites that may really help you:

To factor a polynomial, you need to find its factors by breaking it down into simpler expressions. Here's how you can factor each of the given polynomials:

1. Factor the polynomial x^2 + 3x - 18:
To factor this polynomial, you need to find two numbers whose product is -18 and whose sum is 3. After trying different combinations, you'll find that the numbers are 6 and -3. So, the factored form of the polynomial is (x + 6)(x - 3).

2. Factor the polynomial 12x^2 + 11x - 5 completely:
To factor this polynomial completely, you can use the factored form of the quadratic expression. Look for two numbers whose product is -60 (the product of the leading coefficient and the constant term) and whose sum is 11. The numbers are 15 and -4. So, the factored form of the polynomial is (4x - 1)(3x + 5).

3. Factor the polynomial 18a^2b - 4ab + 10a completely:
Begin by factoring out the common factor from all the terms, which is 2a:
2a(9ab - 2b + 5)
Now, focus on factoring the quadratic expression within the parentheses. Look for two numbers whose product is 45 (the product of the leading coefficient and the constant term) and whose sum is -2. The numbers are -5 and -9. So, the factored form of the polynomial is 2a(3a - 5)(3b - 1).

4. Factor the polynomial 2x^2 - 50 completely:
First, factor out the greatest common factor, which is 2:
2(x^2 - 25)
Now, you have a difference of squares. So, the factored form of the polynomial is 2(x + 5)(x - 5).

If you need further explanations or examples, you can visit the websites you provided. They offer helpful tutorials and practice problems on polynomial factoring.