Today, the most popular form of mass media is________.

(See unit 15, lesson 2 for assistance)
3 points
word of mouth
the internet

the internet

The main purpose of TV shows is to ______________ the audience.

(See unit 15, lesson 2 for assistance)
3 points


Correct! TV shows are primarily meant to entertain the audience, although some shows may also include elements of persuasion or information depending on their genre or format.

Today, the most popular form of mass media is the internet.

To answer the question, we can refer to Unit 15, Lesson 2. However, since I don't have access to specific content or materials, I will provide a general explanation.

Determining the most popular form of mass media today requires analyzing recent trends. One common method is to evaluate the reach, usage, and engagement of different media platforms. Here are some steps you can follow to find an answer:

1. Research audience statistics: Look for data on the number of people consuming each media type. This information can be found through market research firms, media organizations, or industry reports. Compare the audience sizes of newspapers, radio, word of mouth, and the internet.

2. Assess media usage habits: Investigate how often and in what ways people engage with each form of media. This includes reading newspapers, listening to the radio, discussing news through word of mouth, or using the internet for various purposes.

3. Consider regional and demographic differences: Media preferences can vary by region and different demographic groups. Analyze specific areas or target audiences to gain a better understanding of their media consumption habits.

4. Look for recent trends and developments: Mass media is constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest technological advancements, changes in media consumption patterns, and emerging platforms. This information can be found through news articles, industry blogs, or market research reports.

By following these steps and examining the information provided in Unit 15, Lesson 2, you should be able to determine the most popular form of mass media today.