Read the story "Avery's Gift" and the article "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids."

Based on the information in both selections, write a response to the following by filling in the chart below:

Explain HOW Avery's father in the story "Avery's Gift" is SIMILAR to Ellison's father in the article "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids."

Write a well-organized essay that uses specific evidence from the selections to support your answer.

Remember to--

Clearly state your controlling idea

Organize your writing

Develop your ideas in detail

Use evidence from the selection(s) in your response

Use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar

Controlling Idea: Avery's father in "Avery's Gift" and Ellison's father in "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids" share similarities in their approaches to encouraging creativity and imagination in their children.

In the story "Avery's Gift," Avery's father encourages her creative and imaginative thinking by providing her with opportunities to explore and experiment. He gives her a camera for her birthday, which allows her to take pictures of objects and people that inspire her. He also takes her on "adventures" where they explore the woods and look for animal tracks. Similarly, in "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids," Ellison's father encourages his son's creativity by providing him with space to experiment and explore. He lets Ellison use his tools, gives him discarded electronics to take apart, and allows him to use his welding equipment.

Both fathers in these selections provide their children with tools and resources to foster their creativity. Avery's father gives her a camera and takes her on adventures, which allows her to explore her environment and capture new perspectives. Similarly, Ellison's father allows him to take apart electronics and use his welding equipment, providing him with the space to experiment and create.

Furthermore, both fathers in these selections encourage their children to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. Avery's father tells her that she has a "thoughtful eye" and encourages her to capture the world in her own way. Ellison's father tells him that he can create something new and that there are no rules when it comes to inventing.

In conclusion, despite the different contexts of these selections, both Avery's father in "Avery's Gift" and Ellison's father in "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids" share a similar approach to encouraging creativity and imagination in their children. Both fathers provide their children with tools and resources to experiment and explore and encourage them to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas.

Controlling Idea: Both Avery's father in the story "Avery's Gift" and Ellison's father in the article "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids" share similarities in their support and encouragement of their children's creative endeavors.

In both "Avery's Gift" and "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids," the fathers of Avery and Ellison demonstrate their unwavering support and encouragement for their children's creative pursuits. This essay will explore the similarities between Avery's father and Ellison's father, focusing on their role in cultivating and nurturing their children's creative talents.

Body Paragraph 1:
In "Avery's Gift," Avery's father is depicted as a source of inspiration and support for Avery's artistic abilities. He encourages Avery to share her art with others, showcasing it publicly for the first time at the school fair. Similarly, in the article "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids," Ellison's father actively supports her idea of creating a unique brand of canned tuna fish by investing in her business venture. Both fathers not only recognize their children's creative potential but also actively participate in promoting and celebrating their imaginative endeavors.

Body Paragraph 2:
Both fathers demonstrate a belief in their children's abilities, enabling them to overcome self-doubt and pursue their dreams. In "Avery's Gift," Avery initially feels hesitant about sharing her artwork with others due to the fear of judgment. However, her father's encouragement and belief in her talent boost her confidence, ultimately leading her to showcase her artwork to the world. Similarly, in the article, Ellison's father believes in her concept of creating a "wacky" canned tuna brand and invests his own money in the business. Ellison's father's unwavering belief in her idea helps overcome skepticism and enables her to see the project through. Both fathers play a crucial role in empowering their children to believe in themselves and their creative abilities.

Body Paragraph 3:
Furthermore, both fathers actively engage in their children's creative processes, providing guidance and assistance along the way. In "Avery's Gift," Avery's father helps her with the technical aspects of setting up her artwork at the school fair. He lends a hand in displaying her pieces, showcasing his commitment to supporting her artistic endeavors. Similarly, in the article, Ellison's father collaborates with her throughout the process of creating the concept for the "wacky" canned tuna brand. He encourages her creativity by brainstorming ideas and working with her to develop a unique and eye-catching product. These examples highlight the active involvement of both fathers in their children's creative pursuits.

In both "Avery's Gift" and "Chicken of the Sea Is So Wacky--Of Course It Was Created by Kids," Avery's father and Ellison's father demonstrate remarkable similarities in their support and encouragement of their children's creative endeavors. Through their belief in their children's abilities, active involvement, and provision of guidance, both fathers play pivotal roles in fostering their children's creative talents. Their unwavering support not only boosts their children's confidence but also enables them to explore their creativity and reach their full potential.