Which of the following is a result of changes to immigration policy in 1990?

I. The U.S. government granted resident status to immigrants residing in the United States since 1982.

II. People began to debate immigration for the first time.

III. In 2000, a third or more of the residents of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California were Latinos.

IV. A large number of immigrants to the United States, especially Latinos, immigrated illegally.

I. The U.S. government granted resident status to immigrants residing in the United States since 1982.

The result of changes to immigration policy in 1990 include the following:

I. The U.S. government granted resident status to immigrants residing in the United States since 1982. This means that immigrants who had been living in the United States since 1982 were given the opportunity to obtain resident status.

III. In 2000, a third or more of the residents of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California were Latinos. This indicates that the changes to immigration policy in 1990 likely had an impact on the demographics of these states, with a significant portion of the population being Latinos.

IV. A large number of immigrants to the United States, especially Latinos, immigrated illegally. This suggests that despite the changes to immigration policy, there was also an increase in the number of immigrants, particularly Latinos, who immigrated illegally.