Which statement best explains an environmental outcome of using fossil fuels for energy?

When fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases into the air that cause pollution and increase global warming.

Fossil fuels are natural resources that have been formed over millions of years from the remains of dead plants and animals. They include coal, oil, and natural gas and are used to generate energy for heating, transportation, and electricity production. However, the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and cause global warming, which is responsible for rising sea levels, more extreme weather conditions, and the destruction of ecosystems. In addition, the burning of fossil fuels also releases harmful chemicals and toxins into the air, leading to air pollution, respiratory problems, and other health issues. Therefore, the use of fossil fuels for energy has harmful environmental outcomes and contributes to climate change and air pollution.

When fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are burned for energy, they release various harmful gases and pollutants into the air. One of the significant environmental outcomes of using fossil fuels is the release of toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter.

These toxic gases contribute to air pollution, which has detrimental effects on human health, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and even premature death. Additionally, the release of these gases into the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect, leading to an increase in global warming and climate change.

Global warming is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly CO2, which traps heat and leads to the gradual increase in Earth's average temperature. This increase in temperature results in various environmental consequences, including rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and disruptions in ecosystems and biodiversity.

Thus, the use of fossil fuels for energy has a significant negative impact on the environment, causing air pollution and contributing to global warming and climate change.