Which of the following arguments appears in the Declaration of Independence?

The king is not the rightful ruler of England.

Monarchs grant inalienable rights to the people.

People give governments their power to rule.

Colonies should not be ruled by a government from across the ocean
Which economic activity was the first to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?



coal mining

textile manufacturing

After becoming emperor of France, how did Napoleon use his large army?

He overthrew the French monarchy and began the Reign of Terror.

He successfully invaded Britain and Russia.

He brought peace to Europe by supporting the Congress of Vienna.

He invaded and conquered most of Europe.

Which result of the Industrial Revolution inspired the basic ideas of socialism?

the existence of widespread poverty and famine in rural areas

the rise of European imperialism in Africa and Asia

the loss of land and income that resulted from the enclosure process

factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions

Which principle motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule?





Who was most responsible for uniting the German states into a single country?

King William I of Prussia

Napoleon Bonaparte

Count Camillo Cavour

Otto von Bismarck

What major contribution did Henry Ford and Ransom Olds make to the Second Industrial Revolution?

They introduced a faster and cheaper method of production.

They developed an efficient new source of energy.

They created a profitable way to organize business.

They invented a new form of transportation.

Which of the following was the largest obstacle preventing unification of the Italian states?

There were not enough strong leaders to champion the cause.

Common people did not support unification.

Different languages were spoken in different states.

The pope directly controlled a large area in Central Italy.
what are all 8 answers

1. Colonies should not be ruled by a government from across the ocean.

2. Textile manufacturing.
3. He invaded and conquered most of Europe.
4. Factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions.
5. Nationalism.
6. Otto von Bismarck.
7. They introduced a faster and cheaper method of production.
8. Different languages were spoken in different states.

1. Which of the following arguments appears in the Declaration of Independence?

- Colonies should not be ruled by a government from across the ocean.

2. Which economic activity was the first to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?
- Textile manufacturing.

3. After becoming emperor of France, how did Napoleon use his large army?
- He invaded and conquered most of Europe.

4. Which result of the Industrial Revolution inspired the basic ideas of socialism?
- Factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions.

5. Which principle motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule?
- Nationalism.

6. Who was most responsible for uniting the German states into a single country?
- Otto von Bismarck.

7. What major contribution did Henry Ford and Ransom Olds make to the Second Industrial Revolution?
- They introduced a faster and cheaper method of production.

8. Which of the following was the largest obstacle preventing unification of the Italian states?
- Different languages were spoken in different states.