The Act indicates 22 October 2003 as the date of commencement. What is

meant by commencement in terms of section 13 of the Interpretation Act 33 of

Commencement refers to the date on which a law or act officially becomes effective and enforceable. In terms of section 13 of the Interpretation Act 33 of 1957, unless otherwise stated, the commencement of an act means the day on which it comes into operation, i.e., the day from which it has legal effect. This also includes subsidiary legislation made under the act.

According to section 13 of the Interpretation Act 33 of 1957, "commencement" refers to the date on which an Act or provision of an Act comes into operation or takes effect. It determines when the law becomes enforceable and applicable. In the case you mentioned, the Act indicates that it came into effect on 22 October 2003.