It was way past her bedtime, but Trishna could not put the book down. The suspense was building, and she had to find out what happened to the girl who was lost in the forest. Luckily Trishna was a night owl, so she had no problem staying up until the book was finished.

What is the meaning of the metaphor in this paragraph?

There is no metaphor in this paragraph. It describes a situation involving suspense and a character's late-night reading habits.

Which sentence contains an analogy?

The spelling bee is to Sam as the World Series is to a baseball player.

The sentence "The spelling bee is to Sam as the World Series is to a baseball player" contains an analogy.

An analogy is a literary device used to compare two things, typically to help clarify or explain a complex idea. In this sentence, the comparison is made between Sam and the World Series as they each hold a significant level of importance to their respective fields. The analogy suggests that for Sam, the spelling bee holds the same level of importance as the World Series does for a baseball player. It is a way to help the reader understand the value and meaning of the spelling bee to Sam by placing it in a familiar context or frame of reference.

The metaphor in this paragraph is "Trishna was a night owl." It is used to describe Trishna's preference for staying up late and suggests that she is naturally more active and alert during nighttime hours, like an owl. In other words, it means that Trishna is someone who is comfortable and productive during late hours, similar to how an owl is typically active and alert during the night.