Jacques joined a group of men carrying boxes and barrels up the gangway to the ship's main deck. The thick smells and earsplitting noises nearly made Jacques lose his balance. The deck of the Orion was like a small marketplace full of shouting men working and cleaning, and bellowing, frightened animals.

Jacques carried boxes onto the chaotic deck.
explain why

Jacques joined a group of men carrying boxes and barrels up the gangway to the ship's main deck because he likely had some type of job or task to perform on the ship. The thick smells and earsplitting noises were likely due to the bustling activity of loading and preparing the ship for departure. Jacques would have had to navigate these challenges to complete his job or task on the chaotic deck.

Jacques joined a group of men carrying boxes and barrels up the gangway to the ship's main deck because he was likely tasked with loading the cargo onto the ship. The thick smells and earsplitting noises almost caused Jacques to lose his balance, indicating the challenging working conditions. The deck of the Orion resembled a busy marketplace, with many men working and cleaning, as well as frightened animals adding to the commotion. Despite the chaotic atmosphere, Jacques proceeded to carry the boxes onto the deck, fulfilling his role in the cargo loading process.