In 3–5 sentences, explain why it is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as types of negative propaganda in the media.

(4 points)

It is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as negative propaganda in the media because they can perpetuate harmful assumptions and attitudes towards certain groups of people. They can also lead to discrimination and prejudice. By being aware of these types of propaganda, individuals can become more critical consumers of media and work towards promoting more inclusive and equitable representations.

In 3–5 sentences, explain at least three questions that could be asked to determine whether news programs and documentaries are accurate and reliable sources of information.(4 points)

To determine whether news programs and documentaries are accurate and reliable sources of information, one could ask:

1) What sources were used to create this program?
2) Are there any biases or agendas evident in the presentation of information?
3) Have other reputable sources corroborated the information presented in this program?

It is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as types of negative propaganda in the media because they can distort information and manipulate public opinion. Bias involves favoring one perspective or side, which can lead to an inaccurate representation of events or issues. Stereotyping involves generalizing and simplifying certain groups based on their characteristics, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing prejudices. By recognizing these forms of negative propaganda, individuals can become more critical media consumers and make informed decisions.