In fabric of their lives Aronzia Pettway made quilts mostly to

keep her family warm and also to pass down family traditions and stories. She believed that every quilt told a story and was a representation of her family's history. Pettway was part of the Gee's Bend quilters, a group of African American women from Gee's Bend, Alabama, known for their strikingly bold and abstract quilt designs. These quilts were made from a combination of recycled fabrics and new materials and were highly sought after by collectors and museums. Pettway's quilts continue to be a source of inspiration and cultural heritage for countless people today.

In the "Fabric of their Lives" documentary, Aronzia Pettway made quilts mostly to express her creativity and preserve the rich cultural heritage of Gee's Bend, Alabama. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of her motivations and process:

1. Preserving Tradition: Pettway comes from a long line of quilters in Gee's Bend, a rural African American community known for its distinctive quilting style. One of her primary motivations is to carry on the tradition of her ancestors and keep their quilting legacy alive.

2. Creativity and Self-Expression: Quilting provides Pettway with an outlet for her artistic expression. She uses various colors, patterns, and fabric textures to showcase her creativity and make unique designs.

3. Storytelling and Community Bonding: Through her quilts, Pettway tells stories of her life, family, and community. Quilting is a way for her to document and honor the experiences, struggles, joys, and memories of her heritage. These quilts also serve as a way to build connections and bridge gaps between generations in Gee's Bend.

4. Material Selection and Preparation: Pettway carefully selects fabrics, often repurposing old clothing or discarded textiles, to add depth and texture to her quilts. She may wash, iron, and cut the fabrics into different shapes or patterns before arranging them into a composition.

5. Piecing and Stitching: Once Pettway has prepared her materials, she begins the process of piecing the quilt top together. She carefully sews the fabric pieces to create a desired design, often using hand stitching techniques.

6. Quilting and Finishing: After the quilt top is complete, Pettway adds batting and a backing fabric. She then layers the three materials together and secures them by quilting. Quilting involves stitching through all layers to create intricate, decorative patterns. This step adds both visual interest and functional durability to the quilt.

7. Final Touches: Once the quilting is finished, Pettway may add additional embellishments, such as buttons, embroidery, or applique, to further enhance the aesthetic appeal or storytelling aspect of the quilt.

8. Display and Sharing: After completing a quilt, Pettway may display it in her home or share it with family, friends, or the wider community. Exhibitions and art shows also provide her with opportunities to showcase her work to a broader audience.

By following these steps, Aronzia Pettway creates quilts that not only serve a practical purpose but also serve as powerful expressions of her creativity, cultural heritage, and connection to Gee's Bend.