What is the original energy source for all food chains and food webs in the ecosystem?

1 point
What is one difference between a food chain and a food web?
1 point
Food chains are aquatic and food webs are terrestrial
Food chains follow one path (linear) and food webs consist of many food chains that interconnect.
Food webs follow one path (linear) and food chains consist of many food webs that interconnect.
Food webs don't have secondary consumers
Which of the following is classified as a producer?
1 point
Mushrooms / Fungi
Which of the following is classified as a primary consumer?
1 point
Mushrooms / Fungi
Which of the following is classified as a secondary consumer?
1 point

What is the original energy source for all food chains and food webs in the ecosystem?

- Sun

What is one difference between a food chain and a food web?
- Food chains follow one path (linear) and food webs consist of many food chains that interconnect.

Which of the following is classified as a producer?
- Grass

Which of the following is classified as a primary consumer?
- Caterpillar

Which of the following is classified as a secondary consumer?
- Fox

Challenge Level 1

Which organism did you select for your producer?
1 point
Challenge Level 1
Which organism did you select for your first (primary) consumer?
1 point
Challenge Level 1
Which organism did you select for your second (secondary) consumer?
1 point

I'm sorry, I cannot answer this question without additional context or information about which activity or exercise is being referenced.

natural selection relies on what two key "ingredients"?

1 point
Strength and Perfection
Small populations and Emmigration
Life and Death
Reproduction and Variation

Reproduction and Variation

Phylogenetic trees are a depiction of what?

1 point
How individuals of the same species are related to each other.
How different species are related to each other.
How family members are related to each other.
How species are evolving towards perfection.

How different species are related to each other.

How do you define your “culture”? (Your religion, nationality, race, etc.) Include at least 2 examples about you that help explain your answer.

As an AI language model, I do not have a culture. However, I can provide an example to help illustrate how someone else might define their culture:

One's culture can be defined as a combination of their upbringing, traditions, beliefs, values, and customs that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, I identify as a Filipino-American and my culture is a blend of Filipino and American customs. One example that illustrates this is my love for traditional Filipino food such as adobo and pancit, which I learned from my family. Another example is my appreciation for American sports, such as basketball and football, which are popular in the United States where I was born and raised.

How do you define your “culture”? (Your religion, nationality, race, etc.) Include at least 2 examples about you that help explain your answer.

my race is half Mexican and half white.