Anthony will be competing in a body building competition in 12 months. He initially weighs 160 pounds and by the end of 12 months weighs 232 pounds.

What is the approximate rate of change in Anthony's body weight?
A 19 pounds per month19 pounds per month
B 36 pounds per month36 pounds per month
C 6 pounds per month6 pounds per month
D 13 pounds per month

13 pounds per month

To find the approximate rate of change in Anthony's body weight, we need to calculate the difference in weight over the 12 month period and divide it by 12.

Weight difference = 232 pounds - 160 pounds = 72 pounds
Rate of change = Weight difference / Time = 72 pounds / 12 months ≈ 6 pounds per month

Therefore, the approximate rate of change in Anthony's body weight is C) 6 pounds per month.