How did Adolf Hitler come to power in Germany?


He was elected president of Germany and then took over the German Parliament.

He seized power in a military coup.

He was appointed chancellor by the German president.

He created the Nazi party, which suppressed opposition and overthrew the elected chancellor.

The correct response is: He was appointed chancellor by the German president.

Which of the following is a key reason the Industrial Revolution led to urbanization?


Farming became unnecessary.

Factories developed in cities and offered many new jobs.

Governments moved people to the cities to work in factories.

There were better housing conditions in the cities.

The correct response is: Factories developed in cities and offered many new jobs.

The English Bill of Rights changed the government in England to include making all public officials elected by the people.

true or false


the answer was false

I'm sorry, the correct response is false. Although the English Bill of Rights did limit the power of the monarchy, protect individual rights, and establish parliamentary supremacy, it did not mandate that all public officials be elected by the people.