If 7 pints of juice for $2.75, how many pints of juice will you get for $7.25?

We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of pints of juice:

7 pints / $2.75 = x pints / $7.25

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

7 pints * $7.25 = $2.75 * x pints

$50.75 = $2.75x

x = $50.75 / $2.75

x = 18.5 pints

Therefore, you can get 18.5 pints of juice for $7.25. However, since you cannot buy a fraction of a pint, you would need to round down to 18 pints.

To find out how many pints of juice can be obtained for $7.25, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

According to the information provided, 7 pints of juice cost $2.75. We can write this as the ratio 7 pints / $2.75.

Let x represent the number of pints we want to find. So, we have x pints / $7.25.

Setting up the proportion: 7 pints / $2.75 = x pints / $7.25.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide.

7 pints * $7.25 = x pints * $2.75

51.75 = 2.75x

Divide both sides by 2.75:

51.75 / 2.75 = x

x ≈ 18.82

Therefore, you will get approximately 18.82 pints of juice for $7.25.