Below are the test scores that a student earned in 4 different subjects. In which subjects did this student have an average higher than 70%? Select all that apply.

Math: 68, 71, 71, 78
Reading: 74, 63, 75, 75
Science: 82, 54, 83, 88
Spanish: 91, 45, 74, 83


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I apologize for the incorrect previous response. Upon calculating the averages, the subjects in which the student had an average higher than 70% are:

- Math: (68 + 71 + 71 + 78) / 4 = 72
- Reading: (74 + 63 + 75 + 75) / 4 = 71.75 (not higher than 70%)
- Science: (82 + 54 + 83 + 88) / 4 = 76.75 (not higher than 70%)
- Spanish: (91 + 45 + 74 + 83) / 4 = 73.25

Therefore, the subjects in which the student had an average higher than 70% are Math and Spanish.

John asked the players on his hockey team their height in inches and listed the results below. What is the mean of the data set? Round to the nearest tenth when necessary.

76, 72, 70, 68, 72, 62

To find the mean of the data set, we need to add up all the heights and then divide by the total number of players:

Mean height = (76 + 72 + 70 + 68 + 72 + 62) / 6

Mean height = 420 / 6

Mean height = 70

Therefore, the mean height of the players on John's hockey team is 70 inches.

Summarize the center of the data set below by determining the mean.

18, 20, 24, 26, 32

To determine the mean of this data set, we add up all the values and divide by the total number of values:

Mean = (18 + 20 + 24 + 26 + 32) / 5 = 24

Therefore, the mean of this data set is 24. This represents the center of the data set, as it represents the average value of all the observations.

What is the mean of the data set below?

12, 11, 14, 14, 14, 12, 7

To find the mean of the data set, we add up all the values and divide by the total number of values:

Mean = (12 + 11 + 14 + 14 + 14 + 12 + 7) / 7

Mean = 84 / 7

Mean = 12

Therefore, the mean of the data set is 12.

Find the total surface area in square units of the figure below by creating a net.

A triangular prism. Triangle front and back have base of 6 yards and height of 8 yards. Rectangle bottom has length of 8 yards and width of 6 yards. Left rectangle side has length of 8 yards and width of 8 yards. Right rectangle side has length of 8 yards and width of 10 yards.

Here is a net of the given triangular prism:

/ /|
/ / |
/__________/ |
| | /
| | /

The rectangular base has an area of 8 x 6 = 48 square units.

Each of the triangular faces has an area of (1/2) x base x height = (1/2) x 6 x 8 = 24 square units.

The left rectangular face has an area of 8 x 8 = 64 square units.

The right rectangular face has an area of 8 x 10 = 80 square units.

To find the total surface area, we add up the areas of all the faces:

Total surface area = 2 x (area of triangle) + (area of rectangle base) + (area of left rectangle) + (area of right rectangle)

Total surface area = 2 x 24 + 48 + 64 + 80

Total surface area = 160 square units

Therefore, the total surface area of the triangular prism is 160 square units.