Below are the test scores that a student earned in 4 different subjects. In which subjects did this student have an average higher than 75%? Select all that apply.

Math: 81, 85, 70, 77
Reading: 73, 68, 85, 81
Science: 64, 68, 73, 81
Spanish: 92, 55, 79, 84


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The subjects in which the student had an average higher than 75% are:

- Math: 78.25
- Reading: 76.75 (rounded up)
- Spanish: 77.5

So, the correct answers are: Math, Reading, Spanish.

Jenny found the center of the data set below to be 24. Which measure of center did Jenny find?

A table titled Students in Each Class contains the following entries. 24 comma 18 comma 29 comma 32 comma 15 comma 21 comma 28 comma 35 comma 10 comma 28.


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mean, median, mode

Jenny found the median.

To determine the subjects in which the student had an average higher than 75%, we need to calculate the average score for each subject.

Math: (81 + 85 + 70 + 77) / 4 = 78.25
Reading: (73 + 68 + 85 + 81) / 4 = 76.75
Science: (64 + 68 + 73 + 81) / 4 = 71.5
Spanish: (92 + 55 + 79 + 84) / 4 = 77.5

Based on these calculations, the subjects in which the student had an average higher than 75% are Math and Spanish.