Ice melts in water , while remaining at degrees Celsius . Which energy changes occur as it melts ? (1 point )

The potential energy of the molecules will increase , and the kinetic energy stays the same .

Both the kinetic and potential energy will increase .

Both the kinetic and potential energy will remain the same .

The kinetic energy of the molecules will increase , and the potential energy remains the same .

The kinetic energy of the molecules will remain the same, and the potential energy will increase.

Whats the correct answer

The correct answer is "The kinetic energy of the molecules will remain the same, and the potential energy will increase."

Compare conduction to radiation in terms of heat transfer . (1 point ) Both methods help to evenly distribute energy , but only radiation requires contact between objects . Both methods help to evenly distribute energy , but only conduction requires contact between objects . Both methods require contact between objects , but only conduction helps to evenly distribute energy . Both methods require contact between objects , but only radiation helps to evenly distribute energy .

The correct answer is:

The potential energy of the molecules will increase, and the kinetic energy stays the same.

To determine which energy changes occur as ice melts in water, we need to understand the concept of energy transfer during phase changes.

When solid ice is exposed to water at a temperature higher than its melting point (0 degrees Celsius), energy is transferred in the form of heat from the water to the ice. This heat causes the ice molecules to gain energy and break their intermolecular bonds, resulting in a change of state from a solid to a liquid.

During this phase change, both kinetic energy and potential energy of the molecules are involved. Kinetic energy refers to the energy of motion, while potential energy refers to the energy stored in the position or arrangement of particles.

In the case of ice melting in water, the kinetic energy of the ice molecules does increase. As the ice absorbs heat energy, the molecules start vibrating more vigorously, gaining kinetic energy. This increased kinetic energy allows the ice molecules to overcome the bonds holding them together and transition to the liquid state.

In addition to the increase in kinetic energy, there is also a change in the potential energy of the molecules. The potential energy of the ice molecules decreases during the phase change because the intermolecular bonds are broken as the ice melts. The potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, contributing to the increased vibrational motion of the molecules.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Both the kinetic and potential energy of the ice molecules will increase.