Why did the Dreyfus Affair divide French society?

Few people believed in the innocence of Alfred Dreyfus.
Émile Zola delivered false testimony against Alfred Dreyfus.
The royalists and the military refused to give Alfred Dreyfus a public trial.
Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence.

Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence, causing the Dreyfus Affair to divide French society. Many believed that Dreyfus was being targeted solely because of his Jewish heritage. The controversy sparked debates about freedom of speech, the role of the military in politics, and the justice system. The affair also created deep divisions between left-wing intellectuals and conservative nationalists, further polarizing French society.

Why did the Dreyfus Affair divide French society?

A. Few people believed in the innocence of Alfred Dreyfus.
B. Émile Zola delivered false testimony against Alfred Dreyfus.
C. The royalists and the military refused to give Alfred Dreyfus a public trial.
D. Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence.

D. Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence, causing the Dreyfus Affair to divide French society.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

–presented at the Seneca Falls Convention, 1848
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
Which statement describes the document excerpted?
A. The authors used language from the Declaration of Independence to call for the abolition of slavery.
B. The authors used language from the Declaration of Independence to demand suffrage for women.
C. The authors used language from the Constitution to justify equal voting rights for African-American men and women.
D. The authors used language from the Constitution to oppose the passage of Jim Crow laws in the United States.

B. The authors used language from the Declaration of Independence to demand suffrage for women.

Which technologies and conditions made World War I a new kind of war? Select all that apply.

A. trench warfare
B. field hospitals and medics
C. gunpowder and cannons
D. heavy naval combat
E. poison gas
F. rapid-fire machine guns

A. Trench warfare

E. Poison gas
F. Rapid-fire machine guns

How did European competition for colonies affect Africa?

A. Countries were created without regard for traditional ethnic groupings.
B. Competition ended the West African and East African slave trades.
C. European colonies treated African colonies with respect.
D. The division of Africa by European countries stopped the spread of Islam.

A. Countries were created without regard for traditional ethnic groupings.

I know you would not mind if we could fight and wrest the scepter from your hands. You know that we are powerless to do that, for you have ensured our incapacity to fight in open and honorable battle. Bravery on the battlefield is thus impossible for us. Bravery of the soul still remains open to us. I know you will respond to that also. I am engaged in evoking that bravery. Non-cooperation means nothing less than training in self-sacrifice. Why should we co-operate with you when we know that, by your administration of this great country, we are being daily enslaved in an increasing degree.

Use the excerpt to answer the question.
This statement reflects the beliefs and efforts of which individual?
A. Fidel Castro
B. Mohandas Gandhi
C. Ruhollah Khomeini
D. Yitzhak Rabin