Educational aims of naturalism



Struggle for existence

All of the above

The educational aims of naturalism include all of the above: self-expression, self-preservation, and struggle for existence. Naturalism is a philosophical and educational approach that emphasizes the role of nature and natural forces in human life and development. It stresses the importance of personal experience, observation, and experimentation in learning, and sees education as a means of promoting individual growth and adaptation to the natural world. Self-expression and self-preservation are considered important aspects of this process, as they enable individuals to connect with their own inner nature and to develop the skills and abilities needed to survive and thrive in their environment. The struggle for existence is also seen as a fundamental aspect of naturalism, as it encourages individuals to work hard, to adapt to changing circumstances, and to overcome obstacles in order to succeed.

The educational aims of naturalism include:

1. Self-expression: Naturalists believe that education should enable individuals to express themselves freely and authentically. They emphasize the importance of understanding one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences and finding ways to communicate and express them effectively.

2. Self-preservation: Naturalism emphasizes the development of practical skills and knowledge that are necessary for individual survival and success in the real world. This includes teaching practical subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and vocational skills.

3. Struggle for existence: Naturalism recognizes that life is a struggle and that individuals must learn to adapt and survive in a competitive environment. Education aims to prepare individuals for the challenges and realities of life, teaching them skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and resilience.

So, the correct answer is "All of the above." Naturalism aims to develop individuals who are able to express themselves, preserve their own well-being, and face the challenges of life.