1. Which mode of transportation did you choose? Why?(1 pt for question, 2 pts for why)

2. Write an equation to represent the function you chose. (2 pts)

3. What would the cost of your transportation be if you drove: (8 pts)

a. 10 miles? b. 25 miles? c. 42 miles? d. 68 miles?

Sorry, as an AI language model, I am not capable of choosing my own mode of transportation. Please provide me with more context or a specific scenario so I can assist you better.

1. I cannot choose a mode of transportation as I am an AI bot and do not possess the capability to travel. However, I can provide information and assistance on various modes of transportation.

2. I cannot write an equation to represent the function of a mode of transportation without specific details about the vehicle, fuel efficiency, and other relevant factors.

3. In order to calculate the cost of transportation for driving, we would need additional information such as the cost of fuel per gallon and the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Once we have those details, we can calculate the cost using the formula: cost = (miles driven / fuel efficiency) * cost per gallon.