Sam wanted to buy candy for all of his friends to share at lunch. One pound of chocolates cost $6.95, but Sam only needs 0.6 of a pound. What will be the total cost for the chocolates Sam buys?


We can start by finding the cost of 1 pound of chocolates:

$6.95 ÷ 1 pound = $6.95 per pound

Then, we can multiply that by 0.6 to find the cost of 0.6 pounds:

$6.95 per pound × 0.6 pounds = $4.17

Therefore, the total cost for the chocolates Sam buys is $4.17, which is option D.

Tad and Janice are installing new wood floors in a house. Tad can install 144 square feet of flooring in three hours. Janice can install 576 square feet of flooring in six hours.

How many square feet of flooring can Tad install in eight hours?
square feet

How many square feet of flooring can Janice install in five hours?
square feet

If they each work for 12 hours, how many square feet of flooring can they install?
square feet

How long will it take Pablo to bike 56 miles if he is biking at a speed of 7 mph?

13 hours
3 hours
392 hours
8 hours

We can use the formula distance = rate x time, where distance is 56 miles, rate is 7 mph, and we want to solve for time.

distance = rate x time

56 miles = 7 mph x time

time = 56 miles ÷ 7 mph

time = 8 hours

Therefore, it will take Pablo 8 hours to bike 56 miles at a speed of 7 mph, which is option D.

Complete the rate chart below to find the number of scoops of coffee grounds needed for a certain number of pots of coffee.

Number of Pots of Coffee 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Scoops of Coffee Grounds 9 12 15 18 ?

We can see that the ratio of the number of pots of coffee to the number of scoops of coffee grounds is:

3 pots : 9 scoops
4 pots : 12 scoops
5 pots : 15 scoops
6 pots : 18 scoops

To find the number of scoops needed for 7 pots of coffee, we can use the ratio:

5 pots : 15 scoops
7 pots : x scoops

We can set up a proportion using cross products:

5 pots * x scoops = 7 pots * 15 scoops

5x = 105

x = 21

Therefore, the number of scoops of coffee grounds needed for 7 pots of coffee is 21, which is option B.

Find the missing number in the ratio table below.

2 4 6 8
7 14 21 ?

We can see that the ratio between the second row and the first row is 7:2. We can use this ratio to find the missing number in the fourth column by multiplying 8 (the number in the first row and fourth column) by the ratio:

7/2 = x/8

We can solve for x by cross multiplying:

2x = 7 * 8

2x = 56

x = 28

Therefore, the missing number in the ratio table is 28, which is option C.

A fruit punch is made by mixing grape juice and apple juice in the ratio of 4 to 2. How many glasses of grape juice and apple juice are needed to make 36 glasses of fruit punch?

The ratio of grape juice to apple juice is 4:2, which can be simplified to 2:1. This means for every 2 units of grape juice, we need 1 unit of apple juice.

We need to find how much of each type of juice we need to make 36 glasses of fruit punch. Let's say we use x as the number of units of grape juice we need. Then, we need half as much apple juice, which is x/2.

The total number of units of juice we need is x + x/2 = 3x/2.

We know that the total number of glasses of fruit punch we need to make is 36. If we assume that each glass contains 1 unit of juice, then we can set up an equation:

3x/2 = 36

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides by 2/3:

x = 24

This means we need 24 units of grape juice and 12 units of apple juice to make 36 glasses of fruit punch.

To check, we can verify that the ratio of grape juice to apple juice is 2:1:

24 ÷ 2 = 12

Therefore, we need 24 glasses of grape juice and 12 glasses of apple juice to make 36 glasses of fruit punch.