A printer can print 12 pages in 9 seconds. What is the closest estimate of the number of pages it can print in one minute?



To find the closest estimate of the number of pages the printer can print in one minute, we can use a proportion.

The ratio of pages to time (9 seconds) can be represented as 12/9.

To find the number of pages in one minute, we need to set up a proportion:

12 pages / 9 seconds = x pages / 60 seconds

Cross-multiplying, we get:

9x = 12 * 60

Simplifying, we get:

9x = 720

Dividing both sides by 9:

x = 80

So, the closest estimate of the number of pages the printer can print in one minute is 80 pages.

Therefore, none of the given options (45, 100, 72, 120) are the correct answer.