Why is it important that individual rights are protected?

A. They allow citizens to run the government.
B. They ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government.
C. They make sure that noncitizens are treated as well as citizens.
D. They maintain a separation of powers between citizens and government.

B. They ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government.

What term describes a citizen’s right in Arkansas to introduce a potential new law to a ballot?

A. decision
B. referendum
C. responsibility
D. initiative

D. Initiative

What is the Arkansas government doing to try to reduce the level of unemployment in the state? Select all that apply.

A. attracting new industries to the state
B. improving public education
C. passing laws to make high unemployment illegal
D. protesting businesses that move out of the state

A. Attracting new industries to the state.

B. Improving public education.

The correct answer is B. They ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government.

Protecting individual rights is important because it ensures that all citizens are treated equally and fairly by the government. It guarantees that everyone has the same opportunities and receives fair treatment under the law. Individual rights protect citizens from government abuse and discrimination, allowing them to live freely and pursue their own interests without unnecessary interference. It is a fundamental aspect of a democratic society and promotes social justice and equality.

The correct answer is B. Individual rights are important because they ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government. Protecting individual rights prevents any form of discrimination or unfair treatment based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or political beliefs. It guarantees that every citizen has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.