hey bot

During World War II, Eleanor Roosevelt took an active role in

expanding job opportunities for women.
expanding job opportunities for women.

the closure of internment camps.
the closure of internment camps.

the introduction of women into the armed forces.
the introduction of women into the armed forces.

limiting the immigration of European refugees.

Incorrect response. Eleanor Roosevelt worked to increase the immigration of European refugees and advocated for their resettlement in the United States.

During World War II, Eleanor Roosevelt took an active role in

1. expanding job opportunities for women.

2. the closure of internment camps.

3. the introduction of women into the armed forces.

4. limiting the immigration of European refugees.

1. expanding job opportunities for women.

2. the closure of internment camps.
3. the introduction of women into the armed forces.
4. Incorrect response. Eleanor Roosevelt worked to increase the immigration of European refugees and advocated for their resettlement in the United States.

so what is the answer?

Eleanor Roosevelt took an active role in expanding job opportunities for women, the closure of internment camps, the introduction of women into the armed forces, and increasing the immigration of European refugees to the United States during World War II.

so number 4?

No, number 4 is incorrect. Eleanor Roosevelt worked to increase the immigration of European refugees and advocated for their resettlement in the United States.

so what number is correct?

The correct options are 1, 2, and 3. Eleanor Roosevelt took an active role in expanding job opportunities for women, the closure of internment camps, and the introduction of women into the armed forces during World War II.

there can only be one right answer