Although Gabbi loves plants, she knows she has too many.

Which relationship exists between the clauses?

a relationship between a dependent clause and an independent clause
a relationship within a single independent clause
a relationship between a dependent clause and two independent clauses

a relationship between two independent clauses
Which of the following is simple sentence?

Because he didn't know the route well, Joshua drove cautiously.
Joshua drove cautiously.
Joshua drove cautiously, and breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at the house.
Joshua, driving to visit his sister in Montana, was worried that he would get a flat tire on the way there.

Use the sentences to answer the question.

CJ started a new job. He enjoys the flexible hours.

Which option best combines the two simple sentences into one compound sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original sentences?

While CJ started a new job, he enjoys the flexible hours.
CJ started a new job, so he enjoys the flexible hours.
He enjoys the flexible hours. CJ started a new job.
CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours.
The following sentence is an example of a _______________.

To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week.

compound sentence
compound-complex sentence
complex sentence
simple sentence

Rachel's younger brother is in fourth grade. She is trying to explain to him how to do a household task. She is going to read the explanation aloud and post it on the refrigerator for him to refer to later. What kind of sentences do you recommend Rachel use? Select all the apply.

Simple sentences because they would be easy to comprehend.
Compound sentences because they would show the relationship between two thoughts.
Complex sentences because they would teach her brother new vocabulary.
Compound-complex because they would help her brother to focus on one thing at a time.

How does using a variety of sentence types improve a story? Select all that apply.

It adds variety to the story.
It adds more emphasis on certain parts.
It provides fewer details.
It keeps the reader entertained.
It bores the reader.

In which sentence is the modifying phrase placed incorrectly?

He wore a bicycle helmet on his head that was too small.
The patient with an ear infection was referred to the doctor.
Alyssa served cookies, wrapped in aluminum foil, to her coworkers.
While driving home from school, Dexter spotted a stray kitten.
Review the following video to help you with the next question.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.

Which revision of this sentence uses commas accurately?

When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap, on the couch.
When Stefan, gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the, couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.

The relationship between the clauses in "Although Gabbi loves plants, she knows she has too many" is a relationship between a dependent clause and an independent clause.

The simple sentence is "Joshua drove cautiously."

The option that best combines the two simple sentences into one compound sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original sentences is "CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours."

The following sentence is a complex sentence.

Rachel should use simple and compound sentences.

Using a variety of sentence types improves a story by adding variety to the story, adding more emphasis on certain parts, and keeping the reader entertained.

The modifying phrase is placed incorrectly in the sentence "He wore a bicycle helmet on his head that was too small."

The revision of the sentence that uses commas accurately is "When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch."

could you put all the answers in a list like

1. answer
2. answer

Sure, here are all the answers in a list:

1. a relationship between a dependent clause and an independent clause
2. Joshua drove cautiously.
3. CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours.
4. complex sentence
5. Rachel should use simple and compound sentences.
6. It adds variety to the story, adds more emphasis on certain parts, and keeps the reader entertained.
7. He wore a bicycle helmet on his head that was too small.
8. When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.

Rachel's younger brother is in fourth grade. She is trying to explain to him how to do a household task. She is going to read the explanation aloud and post it on the refrigerator for him to refer to later. What kind of sentences do you recommend Rachel use? Select all the apply.

Simple sentences because they would be easy to comprehend.
Compound sentences because they would show the relationship between two thoughts.
Complex sentences because they would teach her brother new vocabulary.
Compound-complex because they would help her brother to focus on one thing at a time.

The relationship between the clauses "Although Gabbi loves plants" and "she knows she has too many" is a relationship between a dependent clause and an independent clause.

The simple sentence is "Joshua drove cautiously."

The best option to combine the two simple sentences "CJ started a new job" and "He enjoys the flexible hours" into one compound sentence while maintaining the meaning of the original sentences is "CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours."

The sentence "To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week." is an example of a complex sentence.

Rachel should use simple sentences because they would be easy to comprehend for her younger brother.

Using a variety of sentence types improves a story by adding variety, adding more emphasis on certain parts, and keeping the reader entertained.

The sentence "He wore a bicycle helmet on his head that was too small." has the modifying phrase placed incorrectly.

The revision of the sentence that uses commas accurately is "When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch."

The relationship between the clauses in the first question is: a relationship between a dependent clause and an independent clause. This is because "Although Gabbi loves plants" is a dependent clause, and "she knows she has too many" is an independent clause.

The simple sentence among the options in the second question is: "Joshua drove cautiously." This is a simple sentence because it contains only one independent clause.

To combine the two simple sentences in the third question into one compound sentence, while maintaining the meaning, the best option is: "CJ started a new job, and he enjoys the flexible hours." This combines the two independent clauses with the coordinating conjunction "and."

The sentence "To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week" is an example of a complex sentence. This is because it contains a dependent clause ("To reach her goal of buying a new bike"), which cannot stand alone as a sentence, and an independent clause ("Marsha will need to save $10 each week"), which can stand alone as a sentence.

For Rachel to explain a household task to her younger brother, it would be recommended for her to use simple sentences and compound sentences. Simple sentences would be easy for her brother to comprehend, while compound sentences would show the relationship between two thoughts.

Using a variety of sentence types improves a story by adding variety to the story, adding more emphasis on certain parts, and keeping the reader entertained. It does not provide fewer details or bore the reader.

The sentence with the modifying phrase placed incorrectly is: "He wore a bicycle helmet on his head that was too small." The modifying phrase "that was too small" should directly follow "bicycle helmet" to avoid confusion.

The revision of the sentence "When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch" that uses commas accurately is: "When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch." The comma is placed after the dependent clause "When Stefan gets tired" to separate it from the independent clause "he likes to take a nap on the couch."