1. If you met someone from another country, what questions would you ask to figure out what climate he or she is from?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or preferences. However, here are some questions you can ask to figure out what climate someone is from:

1. What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
2. How do you cope with extremely cold/hot weather?
3. Do you experience heavy rainfall or snowfall in your region?
4. Does your country have distinct seasons or is it mostly stable throughout the year?
5. Are there any natural disasters such as hurricanes or tornadoes in your region?
6. What's the humidity like in your region?
7. Is your region close to any bodies of water like the sea or a lake?
8. Is your region known for any particular weather phenomena or weather-related activities?
9. What kind of plants and animals are native to your region?
10. What kind of recreational activities are popular in your region and what time of year are they usually enjoyed?

To figure out what climate someone is from, you can ask the following questions:

1. Which country are you from?
Understanding their country of origin will give you a general idea of the climate conditions that prevail there. Different regions within a country can have varying climates, so this question helps provide a starting point.

2. What is the typical range of temperatures in your country?
Knowing the temperature range can give you an indication of the climate. For example, if they mention temperature extremes or mention very low or high temperatures, it can suggest a certain climate type.

3. How do you dress for different seasons?
Understanding how they dress for different seasons can provide insight into the climate. For example, if they mention heavy winter clothing or light clothing for hot summers, it suggests different climate types.

4. Do you experience distinct seasons?
Asking about the presence or absence of distinct seasons can help determine the type of climate. For example, if they mention distinct spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons, it could indicate a temperate climate.

5. Are there any extreme weather events that occur in your country?
Inquiring about extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or monsoons, can help identify the climate type. Different climates are associated with specific weather patterns and severe weather events.

6. What type of vegetation or natural landscapes are prevalent in your country?
Learning about the natural features and vegetation of their country can provide further clues about the climate. For instance, desert landscapes hint at arid or dry climates, while lush rainforests indicate tropical climates.

By asking these questions, you can gather information that will help you determine the climate of the country from which the person comes.