Which of these themes is delevoped in the passage? A.Becoming more responsible

B.Putting aside your differences

C.Learning to overcome obstacles

D.Taking the advice of others

C. Learning to overcome obstacles.

Which is an example of a bioresource used to build a home?(1 point)


crushed rock for a gravel driveway

lumber used to construct a house frame

molten glass flattened into windows

shingles for the roof of a house

B. Lumber used to construct a house frame.

One thousand years ago, less than 4 percent of habitable land was used for agriculture. Today, approximately 50 percent is used for agriculture. Which statement best explains why this large change occurred?(1 point)


Humans developed new agricultural practices which allowed the expansion of agriculture.

As human population grows, more food is produced, causing soil quality to decline, so more land is needed to grow the same amount of crops.

The human population increased rapidly, which caused a subsequent increase in the demand for food.

Most humans live in urban areas, so rural areas are heavily developed to provide food for those densely populated urban areas.

C. The human population increased rapidly, which caused a subsequent increase in the demand for food.

In a chain of consequences after a forest is cleared, what is an immediate, direct impact?(1 point)


carbon dioxide is sequestered at lower rates

the greenhouse effect increases

species go extinct

habitat is destroyed

D. Habitat is destroyed.

Increasing population sizes lead to increasing demand for food. Farmers use synthetic fertilizers to add necessary nutrients to the soil so crops can grow. What is the ultimate consequence of this fertilizer use?(1 point)


deoxygenated water bodies

death of aquatic organisms

algal blooms grow rapidly

fertilizer runs off with rainwater

C. Algal blooms grow rapidly.

To determine which theme is developed in the passage, you need to closely analyze the content of the passage and identify the main idea or message that the author is conveying. Here are the steps you can follow to identify the theme:

1. Read the passage thoroughly: Understand the context, the main characters involved, and the events or actions described.

2. Look for recurring ideas or motifs: Pay attention to any repeated concepts or patterns of behavior throughout the passage. These can often hint at the underlying themes.

3. Identify the lesson or message: Consider the overall tone and message conveyed by the author. What lesson or moral can be derived from the events described? What message is the author trying to communicate?

4. Match the identified themes with the provided options: Compare the themes you have identified with the themes listed in the multiple-choice options.

In this case, since there is no specific passage provided, I cannot directly identify the theme for you. However, using the steps above, you can apply them to the passage you have and determine which theme is developed in the passage.