How would you say that something has just started in Spanish?

A. acabo de terminar
B. acabas de dar
C. acaba de empezar
D. acabamos de ver

How would you say that something has just started in Spanish?

A. acabo de terminar
B. acabas de dar
C. acaba de empezar
D. acabamos de ver

C. acaba de empezar.

The correct answer is C. "acaba de empezar", which means "just started" in Spanish.

The correct answer is C. "acaba de empezar." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the phrase "just started" in English. "Just" indicates that the action happened recently, and "started" refers to the action of something beginning. In Spanish, the phrase "acaba de" is used to convey the idea of something happening recently. The verb "empezar" means "to start," so the correct translation for "just started" is "acaba de empezar" in Spanish.