Which word best completes the following sentence?

A man who plays a role in a film or a television show is un/ una _______.
A. actriz
B. actor
C. canal
D. telenovela

B. actor

Movies that have animated characters who sing many songs are often described as which of the following?

A. infantil
B. cómico
C. fascinante
D. violento

A. infantil

Which Spanish word would you use to describe a silly or stupid program?

A. emocionante
B. realista
C. violento
D. tonto

D. tonto.

The correct word that completes the sentence is B. actor.

The word that best completes the sentence is "actor".

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence and the options provided.

The sentence is asking for a word that describes a man who plays a role in a film or a television show. In this context, the term "actor" is the correct term to describe a man who performs in such productions.

To eliminate any wrong options, we can break down the remaining choices:

A. "Actriz" means "actress" in Spanish, which is a female actor. Since the sentence is specifically asking for a word that describes a man, we can eliminate this option.

B. "Actor" is the correct term to describe a man who plays a role in a film or a television show. This option matches the requirements of the sentence.

C. "Canal" means "channel" in Spanish and does not fit the context of the sentence. We can eliminate this option.

D. "Telenovela" refers to a specific type of television series in Spanish-speaking countries, but it does not describe a man who plays a role in a film or a television show. We can eliminate this option.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. "Actor".