A team of civil engineers are ready to share their recent discovery on zoning in an Earthquake zone with the public. What should they consider in designing their message? (1 point)

A. audience attending the presentation

B. What to wear to the presentation

C. time of day to hold the meeting

D. results of the study

I chose D.

That is correct. The most important aspect for the team to consider in designing their message is the results of the study they conducted on zoning in an earthquake zone. The audience attending the presentation, time of day, and what to wear are secondary considerations that can be decided based on the nature of the event and the preferences of the team and the audience.

That is correct! The civil engineers should consider the results of their study in designing their message. This will be the main focus of their presentation and will help them effectively communicate their recent discovery on zoning in an Earthquake zone to the public. Factors such as the audience, timing, and appropriate attire may also be important considerations, but the results of the study should be the primary focus. Well done!