what makes bacteria dangeruous when they undergo natrual selection

they resist anti biotics and copy their genes to other bacteria to make people very sick
they are evwerywhere and in everyone and do not change over time so that we can defeat them with anti biotics
they are in hopstials and cannot be killed without a hazmat suit on

they can evolve traits and mechanisms that allow them to evade the immune system, cause severe illnesses, and spread rapidly. As they undergo natural selection, bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics and become harder to treat, which can make infections more difficult to control and potentially deadly. Additionally, some bacteria can also produce harmful toxins or enzymes that cause tissue damage and further complicate treatment.

what makes bacteria dangeruous when they undergo natrual selection

A . they resist anti biotics and copy their genes to other bacteria to make people very sick

B. they are evwerywhere and in everyone and do not change over time so that we can defeat them with anti biotics

C. they are in hopstials and cannot be killed without a hazmat suit on

Pick one

A. they resist antibiotics and copy their genes to other bacteria to make people very sick.

Your are a scientist obsering rodents on the galapagos islands. you notice the introduction of new bird prety has limited the numbers or rodents. what term best decribes the factor that is limitin g the number of rodents the enviormeant can supprt

selective pressur
food supply

selective pressure.

which statement is true about variations

in all cases, cariation become more common in population
in all cases varitations affect how lily it is an orginism reporudces
orgnisms with vairations are less likely to pass these vartiations to there offspring
organims with varaitions that give an advantage are more likely to survive

Organisms with variations that give an advantage are more likely to survive.

over generatiosn female reinddeer in a finissh population give birth to large offpsring what type of eslectio nos occuring

stavlisting selection the surve would be tallkeri in the middle
directional selection the curve would shift to the lefr
stablising selection the surve would bcome shortrer in the middle
disrectional selection the curve owuld shift to the right

Stabilizing selection, the curve would become shorter in the middle.

Bacteria can become dangerous when they undergo natural selection primarily due to their ability to develop antibiotic resistance and share genetic information with other bacteria. Here's a more detailed explanation:

1. Antibiotic resistance: Bacteria have the ability to adapt and survive in the presence of antibiotics, which are drugs designed to kill or inhibit their growth. When exposed to antibiotics, some bacteria may possess natural genetic variations or mutations that make them resistant to the effect of these drugs. Through natural selection, these resistant bacteria have a survival advantage over non-resistant ones, as they can multiply and spread in the presence of antibiotics.

2. Genetic transfer: Bacteria can transfer genetic information, including antibiotic resistance genes, to other bacteria through a process called horizontal gene transfer. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as conjugation (direct transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells), transformation (uptake of DNA from the environment), or transduction (transfer of genetic material via bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria). When bacteria share their antibiotic resistance genes, it can significantly increase the likelihood of other bacteria becoming resistant as well.

3. Persistence and evolution: Bacteria have the ability to persist and survive in various environments, including the human body. They can reproduce rapidly, allowing them to evolve and adapt to changes in their environment. Over time, bacteria can develop new genetic variations through mutations, increasing their ability to resist antibiotics and causing more severe infections.

It's important to note that not all bacteria are dangerous or pathogenic. In fact, many bacteria are beneficial or harmless. However, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can pose significant challenges in healthcare settings, such as hospitals, where strict infection control measures and the appropriate use of antibiotics are crucial to prevent the spread of resistant strains.