-1/3x - 12 + 1/2x -6

simplify the exsprestion

To simplify the expression -1/3x - 12 + 1/2x - 6, we need to combine like terms:

-1/3x + 1/2x = (2/6)x - (3/6)x = -1/6x

So the simplified expression is:

-1/6x - 18

To simplify the expression:

- First, combine the like terms with the variable, x:
(-1/3x) + (1/2x)

To add fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 6.

(-1/3x)(2/2) + (1/2x)(3/3)
= (-2/6x) + (3/6x)

Now, add the fractions:
(-2/6x) + (3/6x) = (1/6x)

- Next, combine the constants, -12 and -6:
-12 + (-6) = -18

- Finally, put it all together:
(1/6x) - 18