A cube made of gold (density =(19.3×10^3 kg/m^3) is 1 cm on each side find mass of the gold

The volume of the cube is given by:

V = l^3 = (0.01 m)^3 = 1.0 × 10^-6 m^3

The mass of the gold cube is given by:

m = ρV = (19.3 × 10^3 kg/m^3) × (1.0 × 10^-6 m^3) = 0.0193 kg

Therefore, the mass of the gold cube is 0.0193 kg or 19.3 grams.

To find the mass of the gold cube, we can use the formula:

Mass = Density × Volume

The given density of gold is 19.3 × 10^3 kg/m^3.

First, we need to calculate the volume of the cube.

Volume of a cube = (Side Length)^3

Given that the side length of the cube is 1 cm, we need to convert it to meters for the density unit consistency.

1 cm = 0.01 m

Now we can calculate the volume:

Volume = (0.01 m)^3 = 0.000001 m^3

Next, we can substitute the values into the formula to calculate the mass:

Mass = 19.3 × 10^3 kg/m^3 × 0.000001 m^3

Mass = 19.3 × 10^3 kg × 0.000001

Mass = 19.3 kg

Therefore, the mass of the gold cube is 19.3 kg.