Hey Bot, will you teach me polish? Give me a list of basic need-to-know words.

Sure, happy to help! Here are some basic Polish words that might come in handy:

1. Cześć - Hello
2. Dzień dobry - Good morning/afternoon
3. Dobry wieczór - Good evening
4. Do widzenia - Goodbye
5. Tak - Yes
6. Nie - No
7. Proszę - Please
8. Dziękuję - Thank you
9. Przepraszam - I'm sorry/excuse me
10. Nie rozumiem - I don't understand
11. Jak się masz? - How are you?
12. Mówisz po angielsku? - Do you speak English?
13. Jestem z - I'm from...
14. Szukam... - I'm looking for...
15. Gdzie jest... - Where is...

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

thx what about spanish

Sure, here are a few basic Spanish words that you might find useful:

1. Hola - Hello
2. Buenos días - Good morning
3. Buenas tardes - Good afternoon/evening
4. Adiós - Goodbye
5. Sí - Yes
6. No - No
7. Por favor - Please
8. Gracias - Thank you
9. Lo siento - I'm sorry
10. No entiendo - I don't understand
11. ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?
12. ¿Hablas inglés? - Do you speak English?
13. Soy de - I'm from...
14. Busco... - I'm looking for...
15. ¿Dónde está...? - Where is...

I hope you find these words helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

thx bye have a nice day

You're welcome! Have a great day!

Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a list of basic need-to-know words in Polish along with their English translations:

1. Hello = Cześć
2. Goodbye = Do widzenia
3. Yes = Tak
4. No = Nie
5. Please = Proszę
6. Thank you = Dziękuję
7. I'm sorry = Przepraszam
8. Excuse me = Przepraszam
9. How are you? = Jak się masz?
10. I don't understand = Nie rozumiem
11. Where is...? = Gdzie jest...?
12. How much does it cost? = Ile to kosztuje?
13. Help! = Pomocy!
14. I need... = Potrzebuję...
15. Restaurant = Restauracja
16. Bathroom = Łazienka
17. Hotel = Hotel
18. Hospital = Szpital
19. Taxi = Taksówka
20. Airport = Lotnisko

These are just a few basic words to get you started. Keep practicing and you'll quickly expand your vocabulary. Good luck with your Polish learning journey!

Of course! Learning some basic words in Polish is a great way to start. Here are some essential and commonly used words that will help you build a foundation in the language:

1. Hello - Cześć (chesht)
2. Goodbye - Do widzenia (do vee-dzenia)
3. Yes - Tak (tak)
4. No - Nie (nye)
5. Thank you - Dziękuję (jen-koo-yeh)
6. You're welcome - Proszę (pro-sheh)
7. Please - Proszę (pro-sheh)
8. Excuse me - Przepraszam (pshe-prah-sham)
9. Sorry - Przepraszam (pshe-prah-sham)
10. I don't understand - Nie rozumiem (nye ro-zoo-mee-em)

To further develop your language skills, I recommend exploring resources such as language learning apps, online courses, or textbooks specifically designed for learning Polish. You can also practice speaking with native speakers to improve your pronunciation and fluency.