9. What types of issues do public interest groups advocate for that private interest groups do not? (2 points)

Select all that apply.

Ofree college tuition

Oclean rivers and streams

Ofair labor standards

Ohealthcare for the needy

Ofree college tuition, Oclean rivers and streams, Ohealthcare for the needy.

Public interest groups advocate for issues that benefit the general public rather than just a specific private interest. The types of issues they advocate for that private interest groups do not include:

1. Clean rivers and streams: Public interest groups often advocate for policies and actions that protect and preserve the environment, including ensuring the cleanliness of rivers and streams.

2. Fair labor standards: Public interest groups work to promote and protect the rights and welfare of workers, advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and other labor-related issues.

3. Healthcare for the needy: Public interest groups support efforts to ensure access to healthcare services for those who cannot afford it, advocating for affordable healthcare options and health equity.

Therefore, the correct answers are:

- Clean rivers and streams
- Fair labor standards
- Healthcare for the needy