4. How is flag burning justified as a form of free speech? (1 point)

Freedom of speech allows people to destroy what they do not agree with as long as others are not hurt.

Freedom of speech allows people to express opinions that do not offend others.

Freedom of speech means people are free to express their beliefs, even in nonverbal ways. Freedom of speech protects any action or expression that is not political.

Freedom of speech protects symbolic expression, such as flag burning, as a form of political protest or expression of dissent. The act of burning the flag may be considered offensive or disrespectful to some, but it is ultimately a form of expression protected under the First Amendment.

The justification for flag burning as a form of free speech is rooted in the principle of freedom of speech itself. Freedom of speech means that individuals have the right to express their beliefs and opinions, even if those expressions take a nonverbal form. Flag burning is seen as a symbolic expression, often used to convey strong dissent or protest against government policies or actions. As long as the act of flag burning does not cause harm to others, it is considered a protected form of free speech. It is important to note that while flag burning may be protected under freedom of speech, it may still be subject to certain restrictions or regulations depending on the specific laws and legal context of a particular country or jurisdiction.