Vanessa is opening up a small toy store. She is trying to decide where best to place the most popular, expensive toys. As she thinks about placement in her retail store, where would be the BEST shelf space to reach her target market?

top shelf

bottom shelf

as high up as possible so they don’t get broken

shelf placement doesn’t matter

A. top shelf

When considering the placement of the most popular, expensive toys in Vanessa's toy store, it is important to reach her target market effectively. To determine the best shelf space for these toys, the following factors should be considered:

1. Eye-level visibility: Placing the toys at eye level is generally recommended as it makes them easily noticeable and accessible to customers. This is especially important for attracting the attention of children who are the primary consumers of toys.

2. Accessibility: Placing the toys on lower shelves makes them more accessible to children who may not be able to reach higher shelves. This allows them to interact with the toys and potentially influence their parents' purchasing decisions.

3. Safety: If the toys are fragile or delicate, it may be wise to place them on shelves that are out of reach of children to avoid accidents, such as items being dropped or broken. In this case, placing them higher up or on a more secure shelf may be necessary.

Considering these factors, the best shelf space for the most popular, expensive toys in Vanessa's toy store would likely be the bottom shelf. This placement ensures good visibility and accessibility for children while reducing the risk of damage.