A two voice poem is a poem written and read using two voices. It is two poems with two narrator, yet it is about the same topic and it is read together. Typically they two voices have very different ideas or experiences with the same time. Sometimes they say the same thing. Sometimes exact opposite. Other times they do not speak in unison. During these times they alternate speaking. When the narrators take turns speaking they usually telling their side, their feelings, their experiences, which are usually opposite each other. Voice 1: I am a polar bear. I eat fish. I must swim for my food, but I can’t swim forever, I when I get tired, I depend upon ice caps. Voice 2: I am a Hummer. I guzzle gasoline. I burn gas pretty fast. People pump mine. When I pollute, I begin to destroy ice caps.

Voice 1: My home is disappearing. The ice is melting. There is nowhere for me to go. I am losing my life and my family.

Voice 2: I provide luxury and convenience. People love me. They want to drive me everywhere. They don't realize the impact I have on the environment.

Voice 1: The changes in the weather are affecting my habitat. It's getting harder to find food and survive. I am struggling to stay alive.

Voice 2: I don't care about the environment. I just want to go fast and look cool. I don't think about how my choices affect others.

Voice 1: I am a victim of climate change. I need help to survive. My species is in danger.

Voice 2: I don't see the harm in my actions. I just want to enjoy the ride and not think about consequences.

Voice 1: We need to work together to save the planet. We can't do it alone. We need to think about the impact of our choices.

Voice 2: Maybe it's time for me to change my ways. I never realized how much harm I was causing. It's time for me to make a difference.

In this two-voice poem, the first voice portrays a polar bear, while the second voice represents a Hummer vehicle. Both voices express their experiences and perspectives on the topic, which is the impact on ice caps.

Voice 1: I am a polar bear, relying on fish,
Swimming tirelessly to find my nourishment.
But there are limits to my endurance,
When I grow weary, I seek refuge on ice caps.

Voice 2: I am a Hummer, fueled by gas,
I consume it rapidly, without a second thought.
People pump gasoline to keep me going,
Yet, in doing so, I contribute to ice cap depletion.

Voice 1: As a polar bear, I witness the repercussions,
The melting ice caps threaten my habitat.
I struggle to find solid ground and sustenance,
These changes in climate disrupt my existence.

Voice 2: As a Hummer, I am ignorant of consequences,
Guilt-free in my gas consumption and emissions.
But the same ice caps that bear my weight,
Are melting away, victims of my reckless habit.

Voice 1: We may seem worlds apart, yet connected we are,
Our actions impact this shared environment.
As I fight for my survival, I plead for awareness,
To preserve the ice caps for generations to come.

Voice 2: The polar bear and I may differ greatly,
But our choices intertwine in this fragile ecosystem.
It's time to acknowledge our destructive ways,
And work collectively to protect the ice caps' fate.

In this two-voice poem, the polar bear and the Hummer provide contrasting perspectives on the issue of ice cap preservation. They shed light on the consequences of their actions and emphasize the importance of environmental awareness and collective effort.