Which of the following expressions is true?


4^3x4^4=4^12 is true.

are you sure

I apologize, I made a mistake.

The correct answer is:


Therefore, none of the expressions are true.

Which of the following expressions is true?

1. 4^3x4^4=4^12
2. 5^2x5^3>5^5
3. 3^2x3^5=3^10
4. 5^2x5^4<5^8

None of the expressions are true.

Which of the following expressions is true?

4^3 x 4^4 = 4^12
5^2 x 5^3 > 5^5
3^2 x 3^5 = 3^10
5^2 x 5^4 < 5^8

None of the expressions are true.

thats wrong

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. The following expression is true:

4^3 x 4^4 = 4^7 x 4 = 4^11

To determine which of the following expressions is true, we need to simplify each expression and compare the results.

1. Let's simplify the first expression, 4^3 * 4^4:

To simplify this expression, we can add the exponents when multiplying powers with the same base. Therefore, 4^3 * 4^4 = 4^(3+4) = 4^7.

So, the first expression becomes 4^7 = 16384.

2. Now, let's simplify the second expression, 5^2 * 5^3:

Following the same rule of adding exponents, we get 5^2 * 5^3 = 5^(2+3) = 5^5.

So, the second expression becomes 5^5 = 3125.

3. Moving on to the third expression, 3^2 * 3^5:

Using the exponent rule of multiplication, we have 3^2 * 3^5 = 3^(2+5) = 3^7.

So, the third expression simplifies to 3^7 = 2187.

4. Finally, let's simplify the last expression, 5^2 * 5^4:

Applying the same exponent rule, we get 5^2 * 5^4 = 5^(2+4) = 5^6.

So, the fourth expression becomes 5^6 = 15625.

Now, comparing the simplified expressions to the given options:

- The first expression, 4^7, is not equal to 4^12.
- The second expression, 5^5, is indeed greater than 5^5.
- The third expression, 3^7, is not equal to 3^10.
- The fourth expression, 5^6, is not less than 5^8.

After comparing the simplified expressions to the given options, we find that the only true expression is 5^2 * 5^3 > 5^5.