What are some ethical concerns with whole genome sequencing?

Select all that apply.

genomes may reveal information about mental illnesses

people could make money off the genome sequences of others

treatments for diseases will need to be personalized

your genome could be sequenced without your knowledge or consent

genomes may reveal information about mental illnesses

people could make money off the genome sequences of others

your genome could be sequenced without your knowledge or consent

The ethical concerns with whole genome sequencing include:

1. genomes may reveal information about mental illnesses: Whole genome sequencing can provide information about an individual's predisposition to mental illnesses, which raises concerns regarding privacy, discrimination, and stigmatization.

2. people could make money off the genome sequences of others: There is a concern that genomic data could be commercialized without the individual's consent, potentially leading to exploitation and unethical profiting from someone's genetic information.

3. treatments for diseases will need to be personalized: Whole genome sequencing allows for personalized medicine, tailoring treatments based on an individual's genetic profile. However, this raises concerns regarding accessibility, affordability, and disparities in healthcare.

4. your genome could be sequenced without your knowledge or consent: There is a concern that an individual's genome could be sequenced without their knowledge or consent, violating their privacy and autonomy.

So, the correct options are:

- genomes may reveal information about mental illnesses
- people could make money off the genome sequences of others
- treatments for diseases will need to be personalized
- your genome could be sequenced without your knowledge or consent