In one or two sentences, describe how an invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans. Name a specific situation and species and how it would affect the ecosystem.(2 points)

help me please

An invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans through intentional or unintentional actions such as transportation, trade, or release of exotic pets, which can displace native species and disrupt the ecological balance. For example, the Burmese python was introduced into the Everglades National Park in the 1980s as a result of pet releases and has now become a top predator, preying on native wildlife and causing a decline in biodiversity.

An invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans through various means, such as unintentional transport through shipping and trade networks. For example, the introduction of the brown tree snake, accidentally transported on military equipment during World War II, to the island of Guam has resulted in the near extinction of several native bird species and significant ecological disruption.