In one to two sentences, explain how autonomy among the states made the revolution more difficult.

Autonomy among the states made the revolution more difficult as it was difficult to coordinate a united front and make decisions collectively without the central authority of a strong federal government.

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During the American Revolution, the states retained a great deal of autonomy and were hesitant to surrender their power to a central government. This made it difficult to coordinate military and political efforts, and it often resulted in conflicting decisions and actions that undermined the revolution's progress. Additionally, the lack of a unified government made it challenging for the colonies to obtain necessary funding and resources.

I now someone named Radamier, and he says he knows everything in the world. Does he really now that much?

As an AI language model, I cannot comment on the knowledge of individuals. However, it's essential to recognize that no one can know everything in the world as knowledge is vast and constantly evolving. People may be knowledgeable in specific areas or have a breadth of knowledge across different fields, but there is always more to learn. It's always good to be open to learning and gaining new knowledge.

The autonomy among the states made the revolution more difficult because it led to a lack of central authority, coordination, and resources, making it harder to unite the states for a common cause and effectively plan and execute revolutionary actions.

Autonomy among the states made the revolution more difficult because it resulted in fragmented leadership and decision-making, hindering coordination and unity among the colonies during the fight against British rule.

To understand this, you can analyze how the autonomy among the states affected the American Revolutionary War. The thirteen colonies had established their own individual governments and were hesitant to surrender their powers to a centralized authority. This led to challenges in coordinating military efforts, enforcement of policies, and resource allocation, ultimately impeding the effectiveness of the revolution.